Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Cat My Guru!!

Sadly this week I put down my cat Chappy who has been teaching me and loving me and living with me for 21 and 1/2 years. I feel inspired to write about the things about myself and the mysteries of the universe that she taught me as a way to honor her life and mine.
Lesson # 1 NEVER GIVE UP.
No matter how busy I was or how unavailable, she always insisted that I give her attention. She would poke at me until I would stop and pet her. Even if I set her down or pushed her away she would come back again and again. This was one of my regrets that I ever said no, but she was ok with that and me because she knew she would get what she needed no matter what. Stay in the game and you will eventually win was her motto. I think she more than proved her ability to persevere by her longevity alone. Way to play full out Chappy. I love you and miss you.


Angie K. Millgate said...

Oh, Megan! This is such a tender post. I love you and want you to know that I experience you as readily available to give/receive love and attention. I believe that Ms. Chappy did her job superbly!

Megan said...

Thanks Angie I appreciate that. I think she taught me a lot about attention. That's why she was my guru