Monday, August 10, 2009

My Chappy My Guru..Lesson #2

Chappy was the feedback master. She was very clear about her yeses and nos. If only we humans could have that kind of clarity. If she thought a date was wrong for me she would pee on some item of theirs(had I been willing to take the hint it would've saved me years of barking up the wrong tree so to speak.) If I didn't clean the box as often as she preferred I'd get a little poop present right on the kitchen floor. My partner and I once realized that she would race around the house like a crazy cat if she felt something brewing between us. She knew before we did, that trouble was brewing. I'm proud to say that we did catch on to this one and as soon as we would see her going wacko we would sit down and see what we needed to talk about. She was very clear about who she liked and disliked and she didnt care who knew.
She consistently gave us clear and direct feedback about what she wanted and needed. Sorry Chap, I didn't always listen or get it but you always communicated. For her whole life she was true to her self. How many of us can say that? We could learn a lot from a cat.
Until next time

1 comment:

Angie K. Millgate said...

OH! This post is delicious. I love that interacting with your cat showed you more about YOUR yesses and nos. I'm appreciating that you did pay attention and got the "lesson" eventually. :)