Friday, September 28, 2007

How Bout a Little bit of R and R?

As a follow up to the last post I've come up with my own formula for creating balance. I think this is Cool. Most people, when they think of R&R, it looks like numbing out or passing out. I got to thinking about my Bikram Yoga class which is all about going all the way in to the pose and then resting. Their philosophy is if you don't go at 100% you can't go into a full rest. In other words in order to be able to rest you have to risk. I've had the experience many times of going half ass in a pose and then feeling my body not be able to let go. Conversely have you ever felt a "really good tired" after a full day of adventure and experience?

My new experiment is called Risk and Rest. When we stretch ourselves it's important to allow time for integration to allow ourselves to adjust to the expansion . On the other hand I know when I've been stuck in a comfort zone and not risking enough, I feel restless and no matter how much rest I get, it's never enough.

I had tea with my tennis team today and there is an older lady (late 60's, killer forehand) who was telling me that it is important to her to do something to stretch herself at least once a year. Last year she went dog sledding for three days. She said that she was so exhilarated that she didn't come down for days. She expressed that she feels more alive and confident and that she carries this forward to challenges in her life where she thinks "well if did that..I can do this."

I think I've always known this principle on some level (see the post: Fear Play at Lagoon) and now I feel I'm incorporating it into my daily life as well as those big life opportunities. These days I often challenge myself to risk in some area on a daily basis. Lately that has translated into following through on some things I've been scared to do. I seem to sleep better on those nights.
I'm also noticing my life and career is launching in new and surprising ways. I feel more alive than I have in years.

I follow up my risking by watching my favorite show "Ellen" or playing tennis or a taking nap. Sometimes I do a little celebration dance..Ya Me!!

This week's challenge is to look for some area to risk in.. maybe take an action step that you've been avoiding or maybe sign up for that dance class you've been thinking about. Then see if you can begin to challenge yourself everyday, just a little. Life begins outside our comfort zone. So let life begin, but remember to celebrate and rest afterwards and you will train your body to easefully expand.
Happy R and R-ing

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sthira and Suka

I recently experienced the coolest individual yoga session. I learned about these 2 sankrit words, Sthira which means steadiness and Sukha which means alertness. My yoga instructor interprets this using the words, strength and ease. If I'm not being challenged in some way meaning no strength is required then I might tend to stagnate. Conversely if I'm struggling with all my might I'm going to get burnt out. It is my understanding that the point in a pose is to use just enough strength that I'm present and alert but with enough ease that I can sustain it for a long period of time. COOL BEANS!!!I thought to myself. This is exactly what I've been looking for in my life to. It seems like I go back and forth between using up all my energy and steam and then totally being out of commission for a day or two. I am excited to explore the balance of risking and challenging myself with ease and fun, so I can sustain my creative energy for longer periods of time. Today I challenged my self to complete this blog and now I'm going outside in the sunshine with a good book. I'll let you know about what I discover.
Talk to you soon

Monday, September 3, 2007

I'm Back..New Blog Poll

Took a little hiatus, to finish up some things on my new and rest. I had the thought hmm..what do my readers most want to hear about. So I want to invite you to take the Blog Poll at the side of this column and vote for what you want me to write about. If there is something that you want to hear about that's not listed then please just leave me a post, they come directly to my inbox. I'm also willing to blog about individual questions you might have for me. The intention of this blog is to share my learning's and through that provide some pointers and tips that might help you with yours. Love to hear from you.