Tuesday, February 5, 2008

To Be is To Grow

Thanks for you response Angie, I appreciate the opportunity to clarify. I know it seems like what I wrote was about doings, however a baby isn't trying to grow tall he just does. He isn't trying to learn language he just does. So in the natural cycle of being it's not that there is an absence of doing but that it occurs as a natural consequence of being. Nature is never inactive it is always evolving, even when it is dying, it is in motion. Most adults however do things to try to get an outcome rather than to originate movement from their natural state of being. It would be like a rose trying to come up in the middle of winter. I think we can sometimes cultivate our being by not doing anything, in fact I think it is a lovely experiment to try on, and, we can also express our being in action.
One of my favorite practices I learned from Gay Hendricks is called Alpha Days, where you take a day where you simply be until you get an impulse to go do something and then you go do that. One of the rules is you can't do any business related projects including emails, returning calls. In short nothing scheduled and no "have to 's." I've done this for a day and for blocks of time and I find it really helps me distinguish between "being centered" movement from "doing centered movement."

1 comment:

Angie K. Millgate said...


I actually thought about that after I posted, that a baby's "doing" is actually their "being" (and vice versa). After last night's Life Skills, I have had some interesting insights into my own life. Now I am wondering how to be that woman I see in others that I judge to be living life as I want to live.

Love you!