Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Little History

I grew up believing that I wasn't talented. As a result I went in a destructive direction for many years because I didn't think I had anything of value to give. When I discovered that I had gifts to give, it literally saved my life. I believe that most destructive behavior occurs because people either don't know their true purpose or they don't believe they have what it takes to do what they really want.

When I was 6, in Sunday school class, and everyone was talking about their talents..I was sitting there like "God forgot Me" Nothing I did resembled that of the other kids. I went home and said to my dad(who knew everything at the time) I'm scared that I don't have any talents; my dad paused for what seemed like a very long time and said "Well you pray really well dear." Even at 6 I knew I was in real trouble if that was my only talent.

Now, I realize that my dad actually saw me. What he was saying was that my talents weren't tangible, they were spiritual in nature. My gifts are not about building things or making things, they have to do with essence..a spiritual essence that I carry with me. I have the ability to see into people, to teach and to transform, It's in everything I do. Whether I'm connecting to Spirit, a tree, a friend or you right's part of who I am and it has transformative effect in the world.

Other than sports this is where my gifts lie, but I didn't know how to make it real for a long time. Some of these gifts were awakened in me when one of my good friends was killed in a drunk driving accident. This was not only a wake up call for me but many of my friends turned to me for spiritual support. I didn't get that people saw that in me..I was partying like a rock star along with the rest of my friends. My friends asked me to lead the prayers and the grave side service, I was scared but stepped up and something just came through me like I hadn't felt since I was a child. Through this event I began to remember my purpose and began to pursue a path of healing and service. I guess being able to pray does come in handy from time to time.


Anonymous said...

Your writing is powerful. Your spirit emanates from your words into my soul. Your presence and transformative effect is vast and your timing is part of the of the big energy shifts that are happening to the planet.

Thank you for sharing, Megan. Thank you for allowing yourself to be seen and for knowing and accepting your gifts.

Anonymous said...

Yum, Megan. You have the BIG gift - genius at being seems to me to transcend genius at doing while at the same time helping to reveal your areas of genius doing.

I wonder how we can get that idea across to today's young Megan so she can put her energy into becoming at an earlier age?

Love, Paul