Sunday, July 15, 2007

Fear Play

Howdie Folks,
How did the fear play go? Well I have a funny story. After writing last weeks post my computer froze up and has been in the fix it shop for a week. I realized that my computer was literally a metaphor for how I was freezing up around several projects I'm launching including the writing of this blog. So my laptop was simply supporting my fear by giving me a great out for not completing some things. I find that life is the most marvelous reflection of what is going on inside of me. If you want to know what's happening on the inside simply notice what is occurring on the outside.
So, I told you I was going to give you a tip for dealing with fear this week. So, once I realize and name my fear I take several deep belly breaths for about 1 minute while breathing in and out of my nose. This switches you out of flight or flight. Sometimes while I'm breathing I repeat the phrase "I feel afraid". This almost always shifts the fear. If there is still fear I will try to match it with my hands. I tune into how the fear is moving in my body; fear is simply bits of energy that are in motion or stuck in no motion in our bodies. So when you match the fear with movement, especially the hands, it tends to give the energy a way to move out. Fear is different than other emotions in that it can't simply be felt, it has to be moved in some way, whereas you can feel sad and take a moment and breathe and feel and it shifts.
In my 12 years of coaching myself and others I'm really clear that when someone is stuck, there is generally some feeling stuck as well. I am always amazed that when I simply let myself feel what is really going on, things shift and my life moves forward again. I plan to continue to play with my fear this week and I invite you to play along with me. I will give some more tips next time.


Kay said...

I find it interesting that when I begin reading or thinking about fear, or any of the four F's involved, that I begin to experience fear. It begins in my stomach and my breathing becomes more shallow and constricted.

Am I afraid of feeling fear or is my creative mind just making a word association? Maybe, my body is addicted to the endorphins that are released upon feeling fear so they kick in and send em down.

Out of all of the emotions, I think fear feels the worst. It feels weak and vulnerable--and just too quivery.

I'm going to move that sucker out of there. I tend to want to "fight" it out but I'll work on naming it and gently moving it through (less bruises that way).

I'll play along with you. Knowing that someone else is in the game makes it so much funner to play.

Thanks, Megan. I'm glad your laptop is up and running again.


Anonymous said...

I remember the breathing exercise from the relationship seminar. I have used it on and off for the past year and it does help me when I am stuck and need to cry. It moves the energy so I can feel it more throughout my body.
